Zimmer in Alicante Benalúa - FLOS1-1

Beautiful room in penthouse with views of Alicante
: 20 qm, im 4. Stock mit Fahrstuhl. Preis inklusive Kaffee und Tee. Badezimmer in Mitbenutzung. 3 Stationen entfernt vom Stadtzentrum "Close Train Station". Nur 3 Stationen von der Gay-Area entfernt. Nächste Haltestelle: On the corner (Bus). Gastgeber spricht Spanisch und Englisch.
Objektbeschreibung des Gastgebers:
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Accommodation for gays and lesbians is located at (3) stops in the gay area. Near train station and airport bus. Stop public transport next door. 20 minutes walking to the center. Possibility of nearby beaches.
Beautiful attic room from which you have a nice view of Alicante and its castle. Very well connected with all services nearby.

I am glad to meet you in your next visit to Alicante