Zimmer in Zürich - VOPE1-6

Double room in a villa on the well to area of zuriberg zurich. Strictly no escorts allowed
: 35 qm, im 2. Stock ohne Fahrstuhl. Preis inklusive Kaffee und Tee. Küche und Badezimmer in Mitbenutzung. 5 Stationen entfernt vom Stadtzentrum "Zurich". 5 Stationen von der Gay-Area entfernt. Nächste Haltestelle: Toblerplatz (Tram 5, 6). Gastgeber spricht Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Türkisch.
Objektbeschreibung des Gastgebers:
strictly no escorts allowed
My room is in a detached house which is over 100 years old with a shared kitchen/bathroom.
The house is convenient to the transport system Tram Nr. 5, 6 and Bus route nr.33. The city centre and the famous Bahnhoffstrasse with its bars , cafes and restaurants is 5 tram stops away in one direction and the Zurich Zoo and fifa head quarters 5 tram stops away in the other direction.
The forest for long walks is a couple of tram stops away.
Washing facilities available for an extra charge.
House Rules:
Check-in time until: from 2pm onwards
Check-out time until: 12pm
strictly no escorts allowed